So, it looks like I’ve found a way of banning myself the entry to Israel. Very simple, just write a post in your blog trying to open people’s eyes to the realities of what this “holy land” regime really does to people. What it does to our planet. What it does to the potential harmony between people. And it's not that hard to make your case against them, too, but I'll come to that a bit later. But before I go into the details of my feelings towards Israel, I would like to tell you guys that I'm not a nazi, neither am I an anti-Semitic person. Not at all. I just want people to have a new (actually, not that new point of view) on Israel and the problems this nation causes in the middle-east and all over the world. I’m not saying that Israel and it’s government are the sole responsible for all the terrorism we have in the world today, but I sure believe that due to the fact that we have all this settlements in the West Bank, things don’t get any better. Keeping this in mind, what I’m going to write here today is just my option and my interpretation of facts. So, whatever you think of me after reading this, you should keep in mind that this is just a personal opinion and nothing else.
So, for starters let’s see how and why the state of Israel was formed. As you may all know the formation of the state of Israel was pushed forward by the zionist movement after the persecution of Jews in Europe during WWII. This was supposed to be some sort of compensation for all the wrongs that were done to jews worldwide. Well, if you ask me this is a fair thing to do provided it didn’t lead to the blood bath and appalling state of affairs we’ve got today. I mean, blacks also suffered persecution and genocide, but we don’t go on displacing entire populations in order to give blacks their comfort zone. Moreover, the way the location for Israel was selected chosen is a stupidity in itself. You see, in the past (I mean in the times of crusades and so on) the population that lived in this area was predominantly jews, that’s true. Nevertheless, there have been conquests, invasions and so on since that time that have happened and the jewish population in that area has shrunk to a minority. Hence, why the hell should we create Israel there? I still don’t see the logic in it. The other fact in favour of Israel being located there is that this is “biblically” the land promised to Jews by god himself. So, just think about it. Land promised by a fairy tale character to a group of people who later on lost it and are now using all sort of warfare technology to keep it theirs. How crazy is that? If all international border conflicts were resolved in this way, what an awesome world we will be living in right now, right? Russia would surely be full of Mongolians, and the US would be a place that belongs to its rightful owners; the Navajo, Cheokee and so on. Why the hell do we do this when it comes to Israel and never mention or even more try to repair the wrongs done to others? Someone please answer me.
This is just the beginning. Another fact that in my opinion makes the idea of having a state of Israel completely redundant is oppression. For those of you guys who think that form a geo-political point of view Israel is the victim, think again. This is an absolute myth that no one cares to debunk (well, at least the mass media doesn’t). All we get to have is the same old Propaganda that all arabs and muslims are terrorists dreaming of putting an end to the state of Israel. Now, if this is true, I bet there is a reason for that. It’s not like Arabs just woke up one day and said we will kick the hell out of those jews that have come here to live next to us. Indeed, if you haven’t noticed since the very creation or formation of Israel, there have been a perpetual occupation of the Middle East carried out by Israel and the US. Occupation which has lead to a big number of deaths, casualties, orphans and what have you. If this is something that you are not willing to believe, take a look at this video that was made by the guys from “the verge” depicting the way almost 36% of the Palestinian population is suffering from clinical depression. Here, have a look...
Quite appalling, right? And I’m sure there is much more to it that we still don’t know. If you are in a perpetual state of siege this is bound to happen and there is nothing you can possibly do about it. The crazy thing is that nothing is actually done and there are no plans for anything to be done. We have all this peace talks and so on, but nothing concrete, nothing that will make this area stress-free, nothing that will finally make people want to live in peace and harmony. Well, at least I don’t see any kind of positive outcome at all.
Then the next thing that is really bad about Israel is that this country is becoming a nazi-state. As far as I understand, this state was created because of the pain and suffering Jews faced. And yet again they are the ones who are the first to be exclusive about their race and national identity. Still not know what I’m talking about? Okay, hold on, this is going to be an eye-opener. As you all know one of the main aspects of the Israeli identity is the fact that Judaism is a national religion and in most cases the fact that you’re adhere to Judaism can be the one thing that grants you citizenship in Israel. Connected to this, a large number of Ethiopian Jews was brought to Israel following persecution in their country and Sudan. These Jews are called "Beta Israel" and if you are interested you can easily look up all the information needed and make some background research just like the way I did it. You will easily realise that this population though accepted as Jews in Israel has not yet assimilated completely and is still to find it's place in the Israelite society. There are a lot of documents to confirm that and here is a video which you can refer to in order to get a better picture of what I'm saying.
Indeed, not only have black Jews not been able to assimilate in Israel, the Jewish population of Israel seems to develop an incredible hatred for any black refugee that dares to come to the holy land. Just at the ending of last year there was a new law enacted Israel which stopped almost everybody from requesting asylum in Israel. Moreover, the new law is just a drop in a series of measures against over 60,000 illegal African immigrants, who Israel says pose a threat to the ‘Jewish character'. What the hell is this Jewish character all about? Isn't it just another way of saying, "we Israelites are racists and that's that"? If that is the case, why the hell is nothing done by the international community to stop this? Still no answer. I think that if there should be a country out there that should be the most accepting of foreigners it should be no other country, but Israel. Yet again it looks like the wrongs done to them haven’t thought this nation anything. No compassion, no forgiveness and even more no acceptance of others.
I can go on and on about the facts that go against Israel and it’s government, but I will leave you guys to do the research for yourselves. Indeed, there is so much to talk about when it comes to this country that one post is just not enough. That’s why I’ll come back to some of the aspects against zionism in future posts. In the meantime, will be interested to have your take on this issue. Please don’t judge me, as I mentioned earlier my blog is nothing else than my thoughts written online, and you should take them just for that.
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